Some people use meditation for experiencing prolonged states of inner peace; some use meditation for quick recuperation from prolonged illnesses.
By Sri Preethaji
Even though there may be numerous definitions, meditation, in my opinion, certainly is de-clutching from unconscious habitual thinking and experiencing a beautiful state of being. Meditation is not a fad or a fashion that will pass. Meditation is not merely an exercise in concentration and self-control. Meditation is a path to awaken to the blissful nature of existence, to a beautiful state of being. It is a shortcut to unearthing creativity and potential buried in each of us.
How is the meditation methodology you teach unique from everything else out there? And how do they work?
Ekam – A World Centre for Enlightenment from India, which my husband Sri Krishnaji and I have founded together, has created a unique brand of meditations. Our meditations are easy and powerful, scientific and spiritual, yogic and universal.
To truly understand how our meditations work, you need to understand “The Transformation Triad” of Breath-Mind-Consciousness. To have an insight into the nature and connection of the three elements of the transformation triad is to go beyond helplessness to calm, clarity and connection. Most meditations out there use only one or two of these three elements. We use an approach that integrates all three.
Each of the three can act as a tool to shift the other two elements.
Let us say you are experiencing angry thoughts and cannot free yourself using the mind itself. Working your way through breath could be a path. This is breath impacting the mind.
Let us say you are gripped by anxiety; your breath would be erratic and short. And the more your breath is out of harmony, and your stress goes out of the charts. As you move into a meditative observation of your anxiety, you will notice your breath become easy, slow and even. Your entire body moves away from stress into deep relaxation. This is the mind impacting your breath and your body.
By the same token, when your consciousness transforms, and you experience a beautiful state of connection with nature, with your purpose, with your loved ones or the world around you, the arising of anger, fear or sadness itself is minimized. This is consciousness impacting the mind.
Here is something we would want you to remember.
Relax the body – it heals.
Observe the mind – it calms
Connect in consciousness – you become whole
Our meditations are perfectly scientific and deeply mystical too.
What is precisely meditation used for? What life’s challenges does it help to overcome?
World over meditation is used as a tool for physical and mental well-being. Some people use meditation for experiencing prolonged states of inner peace; some use meditation for quick recuperation from prolonged illnesses. Meditation can also be used for stress relief and as a method to combat depression. Meditation also helps slow down ageing and the burnout process of high achievers.
Meditation fosters clearer thinking.

What types of meditation are there? What is the difference between them? How to understand/determine which kind of meditation is more suitable for a particular situation?
Walking Meditation, Smiling Meditation, Dancing Meditation, Moving Meditation, Breathing Meditation, Eating Meditation, Sitting meditation, etc.
However, every one of the world’s meditations can be classified into three categories.
The first form of meditation is concentration-based meditation, where the meditator focuses on one single point, a form or a mantra and obliterates the rest from their focus. The purpose of concentration based practices ranges from a desire to prevent brain degenerative disease to enhancing efficiency to ultimately going beyond thought to a thoughtless state of being.
The 2nd kind of meditation is Flow-based or observation-based meditation. The mediator here does not control thought but moves into a space of non-resistance and non-judgment. Flow-based is not focused on a point but on the observations of a movement – the movement of thought, breath, body, or nature.
These meditations aim to experience states of well-being, calm, peace, and serenity.
The 3rd kind of Meditation is Meditation as a happening. Meditation here is not a conscious practice; it is happening. Meditative states can occur spontaneously when individuals go through an intense crisis or have experiences of breath-taking beauty, like when you are sky diving or holding a newborn baby and looking into her eyes or having a panoramic view of nature. Meditative states can also be induced through intense solitude, fasting, prayer, meditation, breathwork or rigorous movement. The meditator experiences a transcendental state of consciousness ranging from trance to expansive states of connection and bliss to inner states where you feel one with the universe.
Depending on your personality type and your life’s requirements, you may choose your particular kind of meditation.
How often should people meditate? Are there any contraindications?
We suggest every human being meditate at least once a day for 9 minutes and definitely every time you feel stressed.
Observation Meditations are gentle and never have any contract indications. Our meditations are known to break the habit of stress-filled thinking because they reduce the excessive neurological activity of the amygdala, the fear and anger triggering the centre of the brain to the neocortex, which is the brain’s centre for clear thinking.
When does meditation fail? What mistakes can people make when meditating?
Meditation does not fail people; People give up on meditation for two primary reasons.
1. Beginners attempt meditations, which are only meant for seasoned practitioners and therefore feel daunted.
2. Some people hope for instant results and hence feel disappointed. Meditation creates enduring results but requires diligence.
In our observation, we have seen guided meditations yield outstanding results for those who are beginning on the path.
(The author is Co-Founder, Ekam. Views expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of the Financial Express Online.)
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